After sharing with friends and family, are you still looking for something to do with all the extra vegetables from your garden? Try pickling them! This will allow you to savor that homegrown food all year! You’d be surprised to know It’s actually quite easy to pickle vegetables, and you can store the finished products several months.
Here are a few things you will need before you start the pickling party.
You need some type of pickling vinegar. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different kinds and colors of vinegar. You’ll also need pickling spice and some fresh garlic. We offer a lovely blended pickling spice that’s sure to add amazing flavor to your prized pickled veggies.
There are a few items of equipment you will need for pickling, depending on which method you choose. The easier method lets you store your pickled vegetables for around four months, the more complicated method using a pressure canner will allow longer storage. For both methods, you’ll need a large pan for boiling the pickling solution, a heat-proof jug and several sterilized jars with matching lids. You can sterilize these in a dishwasher on the shortest cycle (don’t wash anything else with them, though) or in a medium-heated oven for 20 minutes or so, with the jars laid on their sides on a parchment paper-covered baking tray.
If you don’t plan on refrigerating your pickled vegetables, you’ll need to use a more sterile method which involves a pressure canner. These cost around $35 dollars and ensure the contents of your pickle jars remain safe and edible over a longer period of time.
Best Vegetables for Pickling
You can pickle pretty much any vegetable! So go wild with your garden’s surplus. Wash, seed, and chop your vegetables as required. Then, parboil for about two minutes. Once the vegetables are removed from heat, add them to the jars for pickling.
Easy Way to Pickle Vegetables
With your vegetables prepared, boil the pickling solution. Meanwhile, remove your jars from the oven and carefully stand them up. Transfer the jars to a solid surface and begin to add your vegetables, leaving a 1/2 inch gap at the top of the jar. Pour in the pickling solution, again leaving a 1/2 inch gap at the top.
Place the lids on the jars, but wait for them to cool before tightening. Then, put the jars in the back of the fridge. With this method, your pickled vegetables will stay tasty for about four months.
Source: Tales for Adventure [link to:]
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